Sunday, August 5, 2012

And now, a Ventrantemotionalvomit

I have been slacking so bad! This spring I was doing so well actually utilizing all over my crafting interests and tools. The kids and I recently moved a half hour away to a larger city and into an actual house! Said actual house includes a sun room with a fire place that is going to serve as my studio.

Holy cow, I have so much stuff! It is remarkable how much STUFF I have accumulated. I have bags of old clothes to be cut up and reused. Fabric and forgotten ideas and inspiration. Blank white canvases. So. Much. Yarn. (reminds me it is time to do winter hats) Paint. Paper. Stamps. Thread. Beads. Wax. Trinkets. Omg.

Not to mention this house needs love! It hasn't been decorated since about two decades before I was born. Maybe an exaggeration, but golf themed wallpaper?
Oh, the wallpaper. The layers of wallpaper to be scraped. And painted.
I have two rooms done and am about to embark on the Irish themed kitchen.

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